Sustainability Management Services
For any size of document management infrastructure, Ricoh offers solutions to help you make your fleet and work processes sustainable so that you leave the smallest environmental footprint possible and improve your social impact. Our sustainability management services will help you achieve energy efficiency, resource conservation and human wellbeing to meet your corporate sustainability targets in a way that’s best suited to your organisation.
Sustainability Management Services Portfolio
Sustainability is at the centre of everything we do and we offer a portfolio of sustainability services, products and product features that focus on helping organisations achieve energy efficiency, resource conservation and human wellbeing.

Sustainability Optimisation Progamme
A practical, validated five-step consultancy approach that aligns with your internal policies and work processes to help your organisation achieve immediate, measurable reductions in your CO2 emissions through optimised document management and workflow.
End of life management programme
The Ricoh Resource Smart Return programme offers many possibilities to return Ricoh's end of life parts and consumables from office and production printing customers in a wide variety of geographies